Maxihost deploys Ruby on Rails on their own servers with Cloud 66

Cloud 66
4 min readMay 27, 2021

This case study features Maxihost, a bare metal cloud provider with 20 years of experience. Since 2018 Maxihost has deployed and managed Ruby on Rails applications with Cloud 66 on their own servers.

About Maxihost

Maxihost was founded by Guilherme Soubihe in Brazil in 2001. After building a strong customer base in Brazil, they started expanding globally with points of presence in Chile, the USA, Australia, and most recently Japan, with Mexico launching very soon.

The Maxihost Platform combines the performance and security of bare metal servers with the automation and flexibility capabilities of the cloud, allowing developers to deploy a dedicated instance in minutes across different locations around the world.

Driven by the mission to make the internet faster, Maxihost does a lot of the heavy lifting, allowing their customers to spend less time on infrastructure management.

Maxihost features:

  • Offers: Bare Metal Cloud, DDoS Protection, Custom Deployments
  • Multiple regions: Their core data center regions are in Sao Paulo, Santiago, Miami, Chicago, New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Sydney. Custom regions are available on demand.
  • Compatible with the most popular operating systems: Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, Debian, ESXi, and more.
  • Security: DDoS protection and managed hardware firewalls.
  • Unlimited inbound traffic and 20TB Outbound for each bare metal server on premium Tier 1 Network and Internet Exchanges.
  • Dashboard and API.
  • 24hr specialized support.

Who is using Maxihost?

Maxihost was built for developers who build streaming, VPN, CDN, online gaming, and other types of applications. Amongst Maxihost’s customers are Algolia, Pango, Gamers Club, StudioSol, Mubi, AnyDesk, and more.

How to get started?

To get started visit the Maxihost website and sign up. And if you have any questions get in touch and drop them a line, or reach the Maxihost team directly via

To find out more about Maxihost, I got in touch with Eduardo Soubihe, their CTO.

Eduardo, can you tell us more about Maxihost and your experience with Cloud 66?

At Maxihost we’re very concerned with our customers’ data, leading us to make infrastructure decisions that take this into account. Deploying our applications was no different.

In 2018 we wanted to run our API and frontend applications on our own servers for security and performance purposes, but also get the benefits of a modern application delivery platform.

Cloud66 was a no-brainer; it not only allowed us to run our applications on our servers much more easily, but also took a lot of hard work off our plates, like server hardening, firewall policies, continuous deployments, and more.

We are shipping dozens of times a day, so having a robust yet easy-to-use application delivery platform is a must for us. We also love running workloads on our own servers, as it gives us the peace of mind that we won’t run into performance problems like noisy-neighbour or hypervisor security issues that can affect a whole pool of VMs.

Our requirements were a platform that allowed us to deploy on our own infrastructure, but also required the least amount of effort from DevOps and Software Engineers.

Why Rails and what are your favourite Cloud 66 features?

Rails has a vibrant developer community and is a great option for building robust and scalable applications like APIs.

We use most Cloud 66 features, from managing firewall rules from the UI to setting up background jobs and creating backups. This effectively allowed us to deploy more often and more confidently, without relying on PaaS platforms that lock you in on their infrastructure. We love that we can easily set up background jobs and manage firewall rules and security from a single platform.

What are Maxihost’s future plans?

Maxihost continues to execute on a strategy to increase distribution by launching new regions and creating tools that make it easier for developers to deploy and maintain their workloads in bare metal servers. For the next year, we have plans to continue increasing our global footprint while giving more focus to network automation with the general availability of a Private VLAN feature that will make it easy for customers to connect servers in the same region without having to go through the public internet.

We have spent the last several months working on a new version of the Maxihost API and dashboard, which greatly improves performance and introduces features that are constantly requested by customers.

Thanks Eduardo!

It was great to catch up with Eduardo Soubihe from Maxihost and learn more about the needs of a bare metal cloud platform. Eduardo, thank you for finding the time to discuss your work and your experience with Cloud 66. We have been working closely with the Maxihost team and we cannot wait to share with you what we’ve cooked up. Watch the space!

UPDATE: We are pleased to announce that Cloud 66 partners with Maxihost, a global bare metal cloud provider built for developers. For more information check out our blog post announcement ‘ Maxihost partners with Cloud 66. Deploy your applications on bare-metal servers with ease.

Or watch 2 min video to see how to deploy your application to bare metal server with Maxihost and Cloud 66.

Originally published at on May 27, 2021.



Cloud 66

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