Shield your servers with Delete Protection

Cloud 66
2 min readJun 11, 2020


Today, we are happy to announce support for Delete Protection. This feature allows developers to shield selected servers from deletion.

What is Delete Protection?

Delete Protection is a feature that stops servers from being accidentally deleted from an account. This helps developers to prevent applications from going down and gives more control over your server mix, including avoiding deletion of servers when scaling down via the API.

Delete Protection feature works with all Cloud 66 products: Rails, Node and Maestro.

Note: This feature is very useful when used for autoscaling features with Zapier.

How does it work?

To enable Delete Protection feature on any server, simply add a tag to that server.

When Delete Protection is enabled on a server, it will be not deleted if a server group is scaled down via the API. Any specific requests to delete the server (via web or API) will also be rejected until the tag is removed.

Learn more on our help page.

Let’s get started!

To add Delete Protection to a server:

  1. Log into your Cloud 66 dashboard and click on your application
  2. Click on the Servers tab in the main panel
  3. Click on the name of the server you’d like to protect
  4. Click on the tag icon (🏷) at the top right of the Server info panel and then click on Add Tags
  5. Type in (it will prompt you to autocomplete if you prefer) and then click Save.
  6. You should now be able to see the tag in red just below your server’s name.

To remove Delete Protection:

  1. Open the server page as above and click the three dots to the right of the tag
  2. Click the x next to the tag.
  3. You will be warned about deleting the tag — accept the warning
  4. Click Save

Your server can now be deleted as normal.

Originally published at on June 11, 2020.



Cloud 66

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